National Breastfeeding Week

Better Health Start For Life

Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition a baby needs for the first six months and also helps build a strong emotional bond between a mum and her baby. Breast milk also helps boost a baby’s ability to fight illness and infection by passing on the mother’s immune defences. Babies who are not breastfed are more likely to get diarrhoea and respiratory infections.It is not uncommon for mums to experience challenges with breastfeeding and these problems can often be unanticipated, meaning that when they occur mums can tend to give up and instead switch to formula feeding.
Day 1 – 27 June
It’s #NationalBreastfeedingWeek, and everyone has a part to play in helping mums to breastfeed 👶
Over the next week we’ll be sharing lots of tips and advice to help with your breastfeeding journey.
For more information, head to:

Day 2 – 28 June
Dads, partners and family are a hugely important source of breastfeeding support.
Here are a few ways you can support someone who is breastfeeding.

Have you got questions about breastfeeding?🤰
The Start for Life Breastfeeding Friend Chatbot has lots of useful information and advice. Available whenever you need it, get the answers you need now:

Day 3 – 29 June
A happy baby isn’t just a fed baby. Every cuddle, smile and interaction counts, for you and your baby.
Here are some top tips for keeping your little one happy.

Day 4 – 30 June
There are many ways you can get support with breastfeeding.
Midwives, peer supporters, breastfeeding cafes, helplines, grandparents – who helped when you were learning how to breastfeed?

Day 5 – 1 July
Breastfeeding in public may make you feel nervous, but you have a legal right to breastfeed anytime and anywhere. No-one can ask you to leave a public place while you’re breastfeeding.
What have your experiences been like? 👶

If you or someone you know has questions about breastfeeding, there’s lots of help available 👶
For information and support, call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212. Lines are open 9:30am to 9:30pm every day.

Day 6 – 2 July
If you’re returning to work after maternity leave, you might wonder whether you can continue breastfeeding your baby. It’s completely possible and many women do it.
Here are some tips for breastfeeding and going back to work.

Day 7 – 3 July
Everyone plays a unique role in supporting breastfeeding 👶
Why not offer to cook food for the family, or provide childcare for any older children? This helps parents to focus on becoming a family unit.
More advice:

Non-urgent advice: Did You Know?
Breastfeeding rates suggest that just 44% of mothers are still breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks. Breastfeeding is something that a mother and her baby learn together, and getting the right support can help enable mums to breastfeed for longer.